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Adoption Day

Date:17 February 2024
Time:10:00am - 01:00pm
Address:382 THe Driftway , Londonderry, NSW, 2753
Event Details:

Our Speed Dating with a Greyhound Adoption Day is back for another year!

Ready, set, go!

We’ll have about 40 greyhounds there on the day, and you’ll get to meet them all.

Spend a little more time with the ones you like the most; when you find the one that ticks all your boxes and gives you a little flutter in your heart, things can get a little more serious… if you want them to.

All the dogs there will be pet-ready for adoption, so if you believe you have found your paw-fect match, you can adopt them and give them their forever home!

We will have plenty of volunteers and greyhound experts ready to answer all your questions.

Our team can talk you through what to expect from your pet greyhound, the gentle, loving nature of the breed, and explain why their general health is so good.

This is going to be a brilliant family day out with a lot of love in the air, so come and down and enjoy the fun:


Please register your interest using the link below to get the most out of the event. As a BONUS, we will send you a dog-a-logue before the big day so you get a sneak peek of all the dogs up for adoption.


If you are coming along on the day, it is highly recommended that you submit an application form beforehand and REMEMBER please let our staff know you are coming along to the event by filling out your details below:

Greyhound Adoption Days

The best chance to get to know your new best friend. Our dog adoption days let you meet all types of greyhounds with unique personalities. We promise that you’ll fall in love with at least one special friend following a session of patting, cuddling and scratching at a pet adoption day. Learn everything that you need to know about the adoption journey and get a feel for which pet might be the best fit for your family.

We place greyhounds in homes based on their personality so everyone gets a perfect match. Feel free to ask away and our friendly team will answer all of your questions. A dog adoption day with Greyhounds As Pets is the first step towards bringing a four-legged friend into your life.

Pre-Assessment Days

We hold pre-assessment days that will determine whether your greyhounds are suitable for life as a pet and entry into the GAP program . To be eligible, we’ll ask for proof of C5 vaccinations and at least a 4 week let down period after their last race/trial. A general details form will also need to be completed and returned to us before confirming any future appointments.

Please contact our team for further information on booking a pre-assessing session.

About Greyhounds As Pets

We are a not-for-profit organisation that places greyhounds with loving owners throughout NSW. Great with young children and other pets, a greyhound will enrich your life and make a fantastic addition to any family. This breed is well behaved and brings nothing but love. Get in touch with us by completing a contact form or call today on 1800 696 377 to learn more about our dog adoption days.